What is the VIP SHOP?
The VIP SHOP is a different shop from the BASIC one accessible for free,
created mainly for all users who want to support us and support more productions and our work in general through a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION that can be CANCELED at any time.
Unlocking the VIP SHOP will NOT provide you our products for free,
these will still have to be purchased separately as in the BASIC SHOP,
NO REFUND will be given in case of misunderstanding of the service offered.
If you want to have ANY our product FOR FREE you will have to purchase the
"SUN KEY" or the "CRYSTAL KEY" that can be purchased on the BASIC SHOP.
Why pay a monthly subscription to support more productions?
We would like to clarify that we are already extremely grateful to our community that actively supports us by purchasing our products and through its precious feedback, however a monthly subscription made by users who support us assiduously over time allows us to establish a more precise part of monthly revenues and consequently plan productions that are less requested or less popular by the video game community, therefore not only the development of video game giants of the caliber of AAA or even AAAA games but also the smaller ones and in the future why not, even the indie ones if our community likes them or require them.
Furthermore this will be useful not only to support more and more requests from our users, but also to enlarge what our community is today.
We believe that this is also a way to support small or big publishers, because yes,
for us to invest in advertising about our products, demonstrative video or opening forums, post social, where our community talk about our software and that related video game certainly does a lot of publicity also to any publishers and this is certainly undeniable despite the fact that MODS, CHEATS & TRAINER are still today seen by some publishers as a taboo (Of course we are talking about SINGLE-PLAYER games of pure personal entertainment, in full compliance with our regulations and those of the publishers themselves and that everyone pays without sometimes having the right to play with it as one loves, often losing the point of view of why a video game is born ... to amuse and entertain).
What benefits do I get by becoming a member and paying for a subscription?
Although the VIP SHOP was not born for this purpose as described above,
we believe that all supporters of our project MUST have the due REWARDS based on the subscription plan itself, such as:
- Unlock A New Exclusive Shop Page. *
- New Exclusive Software (PreOrder, Early Access, Extra Codes). *
- Get An Invite To Our Official DISCORD Channel. *
- Unlock A New Badge (Everyone Will Be Able To See It). *
- Unlock A New Rank & Title (Everyone Will Be Able To See It). *
- Boost Update (Get Priority Updates To Any Your Software). *
- Boost Requests (Ask Any Software & Get Max % Of Development). *
- Unlock The VIP Discord Page (Get Monthly Discount & Gift). *
- Free Gift (Get Software Random For Free As Gift Via Discord). *
- Live-Chat + (Direct Contact With The Creators For Requests). *
(Of course it depends on the plan you want, you can read about each benefit for each plan at the bottom of the relevant purchase page).
VIP MEMBERS [● ● ●] *
GOLD MEMBERS * [● ●] *
So is any membership plan enough to unlock the VIP SHOP?
Absolutely YES, any membership plan will unlock the VIP SHOP and allow you to view a wider and constantly evolving software catalog compared to the free BASE SHOP,
in addition of course to PRE-ORDERS & EARLY ACCESS or any other VIP SHOP benefit.
Our goal remains only to be able to accept more requests from our users and provide an increasingly vast catalog of software, for this reason we want to leave our users the freedom to decide which plan to choose but we believe it is right to provide greater rewards to those who choose the max membership plan.
We would also like to clarify that in the VIP SHOP any software are TEMPORARY EXCLUSIVES, therefore they will also arrive later also in the free BASE SHOP.
Can I get any software for free on the VIP SHOP?
Absolutely NO, the VIP SHOP will only give access to members of any plan to
view a catalog of more software not present on the BASE SHOP during the exclusive time period, in addition of course to PRE-ORDERS, EARLY ACCESS, EXCLUSIVE CODES and BLOCKED BASE PRICE for any our software, but each software MUST be purchased individually exactly as it happens on the BASE SHOP.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time and what happens to the software I have purchased?
Of course YES, any subscription plan CAN be canceled at any time,
furthermore any software you had previously purchased on the VIP SHOP will remain yours FOREVER, including LIFE-TIME UPDATES and any benefit that comes with your software...
when we say LIFE-TIME we really mean LIFE-TIME!
Once your monthly subscription plan has been cancelled you will still be able
to access the VIP SHOP and take advantage of all the benefits available based on the chosen plan until the end of the membership month where you will not be able to access the VIP SHOP without renewing your subscription, however anything purchased done in the VIP SHOP previously will remain yours forever EVEN after cancellation,
we want our users to have complete freedom to support us or not.